Emona - mesto na jantarni cesti
niedziela, 31 sierpnia 2014
Narava in ekologija na Jantarni poti (fotografije)
Poggio Terzarmata
Polje med Peteano in Savogna d'Isonzo, in Julijske Alpe v daljavi
Savogna d'Isonzo
Ajdovščina, reka Hubelj
Bevke, Občina Vrhnika - Ljubljansko barje, zbiranja sekundarnih surovin
Bevke, zabojniki za papir, steklo in embalaža iz umetnih mas
Ljubljana, drva za ogrev
Tržaška cesta, Ljubljana
Rimski zid v Ljubljani
Voda v Ljubljani
piątek, 22 sierpnia 2014
Brezovica pri Ljubljani - Ljubljana
Ljubljana, Gregorčičeva ulica
Being the first town in the Ljubljana Basin built according to a plan, Emona was one of the many cities making up an extensive and unprecedented system. From Western Europe to Northern Africa, there were cities with recognisable Roman characteristics: a typical layout featuring streets, squares, baths, theatres and temples.
The most vibrant part of the Roman city of Emona was its central square, the forum. The forum's little shops sold table ceramics coated with a high-quality red glaze, fine glassware and metal vessels, amber jewellery, fragrances, spices and precious fabrics imported from faraway lands.
Severna emonska vrata
Northern town gate of Emona
V mogočnem obzidju rimske Emone so bila 4 glavna vrata. Skozi tukajšnja, severna vrata je v mesto vodila cesta, ki je Emono povezovala s Celejo (današnje Celje) in Petoviono (današnji Ptuj).
The mighty walls of Roman Emona had four main gates. The road connecting Emona with Celeia (today's Celje) and Poetovio (today's Ptuj) reached the town through this gate, i.e. the northern gate. The walls were surrounded by a moat. Wide, well-maintained roads led to the city.
Zidan rimski vodnjak ob vhodu v garažno hišo Kongresni trg (eden takšnih, kakršne so v Emoni uporabljali tudi še po napeljavi mestnega vodovoda v 2. stoletju).
Najživahnejši del rimske Emone je bil njen osrednji trg, forum. Forumske trgovinice so prodajale uvoženo namizno keramiko s kakovostnim rdečim premazom, fino stekleno in kovinsko posodje, nakit iz jantarja, dišave, začimbe in dragocene tkanine iz daljnih dežel.
Sprehod po Ljubljani:
Ljubljanski Zmajski most / The Dragon Bridge
Ljubljanica (je bil rečni prevoz v rimskem času nekajkrat cenejši od cestnega / in Roman times river transport was several times cheaper than transport by road)
The 2000th anniversary of the Roman city on the site of Ljubljana
Ljubljana praznuje jubilej rimske Emone
V Arheološkem parku Emonska hiša je ohranjen del rimske večstanovanjske hiše. Hiša je bila tako kot večina stanovanjskih stavb v mestu zgrajena v 1. stoletju, njeni ostanki pa večinoma izvirajo iz časa njene zadnje prenove na prehodu med 4. in 5. stoletjem. Hiša je sodeč po kakovostni stavbni opremi nudila dom premožni emonski družini. Imela je talno in stensko ogrevanje, stene sob so bile ometane in poslikane, tla pa so bila prekrita z različnimi vrstami tlaka, vključno z dragocenimi mozaiki. Imela je tudi lastno stranišče na izplakovanje, iz katerega so odplake po hišnem odtočnem kanalu odtekale v mestno kanalizacijo.
Emonan House Archaeological Park (the remains of a room with a hypocaust, floor mosaic and fresco)
The Emona House Archaeological Park contains the remains of a part of a multi-unit residential building. Like most of Emona's residential buildings, the house was constructed in the 1st century, but most of its remains date from the time of its last renovation at the turn of the 5th century. Judging from the high-quality building finishes and utilities, the house was the home of a wealthy family. It had underfloor and wall heating, the walls of its rooms were rendered and painted, and the floors were covered with various kinds of paving, including precious mosaics. The house had its own flush toilets connected to a house sewer, which carried waste water to the city's sewage system.
Ostanki sobe, ogrevane s hipokavstom, rimskim sistemom talnega ogrevanja. Soba je imela pod podom na stebričkih prostor za kroženje toplega zraka, ki je prek votlih opek ogreval tudi stene.
The remains of a room heated by a hypocaust, a Roman system of underfloor heating. Warm air from the furnace was led through open spaces below the floor, which rested on columns and vaults, and up into the walls of hollow brick.
Hiša velika okolo 500m2 je bila razdeljena na posamezne stanovanjske enote. Te so imele ločene vhode in dostop do skupnega dvorišča. Udobno urejeni domači prostori so izkazovali premožnost lastnika in visok nivo rimske bivanjske kulture.
The house of around 500 m2 was divided into individual dwelling units. These had separate entrances and access to a shared courtyard. Comfortably designed homes were a sign of both their owners' prosperity and the high level of Roman housing culture.
Rimski zid
Emonsko mestno obzidje je bilo visoko od šest do osem metrov, široko pa skoraj dva metra in pol. Imelo je več kot 20 stolpov. Na severni, zahodni in južni strani je bilo obdano z dvema več metrov globokima jarkoma, napolnjenima z vodo. Roman wall
The city wall of Emona was six to eight metres high and almost two and a half metres wide. It had more than 20 towers. On the north, west and south sides it was surrounded by two several-metre-deep moats filled with water.
Nekatera vrata v zidu so bila še v času Emone zazidana zaradi nevarnosti vpadov.
As protection against assault, some gates were walled up in Late Antiquity.
Rimski zid na Mirju, obrambni stolp
Roman wall in Mirje, defensive tower
Mestni muzej Ljubljana, razstavo Emona: mesto v imperiju
City Museum of Ljubljana, exhibition Emona: the city of the empire
Na območju, kjer sta se malone stikali pomembna rimska cesta proti Balkanu in plovna reka Ljubljanica, ki je bila vse od prazgodovine pa do uvedbe železnice pomembna trgovska pot med severnim Jadranom in Podonavjem, so arheologi med drugim odkrili sledove lesenega rimskega vojaškega tabora, zgrajenega v začetku 1. stoletja. Ena od nalog vojakov, ki so bivali v njem, je bila verjetno izgradnja kolonije Emone. Ko je bila Emona v začetku 1. stoletja zgrajena, so vanjo naselili koloniste, večinoma iz severne Italije. Tako kot v večini rimskih mest je bilo kmetijstvo osnovna dejavnost prebivalstva in lastništvo zemlje je pomenilo glavni vir bogastva in družbenega ugleda. Mesto je delovalo v skladu z rimsko politično ureditvijo.
On an area of land where an important Roman road to the Balkans almost touched the navigable river Ljubljanica, a major trading route between the Adriatic Sea and the Danubian basin, archaeologists found, among other things, traces of a wooden Roman military encampment built at the beginning of the 1st century AD. One of the assignments of the soldiers who lived there was probably the building of the colony of Emona. When Emona was built at the beginning of the 1st century, it was settled with colonists, mainly from northern Italy. Like in most Roman cities, agriculture was the main industry and land ownership the principal source of wealth and social prestige. The city was regulated in accordance with the Roman political system.
Poslikane stene / Painted wall
Mozaik z geometričnim vzorcem / Geometrical mosaic floor
czwartek, 21 sierpnia 2014
Vrhnika - Log pri Brezovici
Nauportus, lat. navis, portus (pristanišče), je bil postaja na tovorni poti Akvileja-Emona, po kateri je potoval jantar. V rimski dobi odsek ceste med Ljubljansko kotlino in Krasom je bil za rimsko državo izrednega pomena. Nauportus se je razvil v pomembno pristanišče in skladišče z vso takrat potrebno infrastrukturo.
There are many explanations of the origin of the name Vrhnika. The town was also known as Nauportus (Latin; 'river port for trading ships') de superiori Lay-baco (italian) and Oberlaibach, Ober(n)laybach, Ober Laibach (german; 'Upper Ljubljana' or 'Upper Ljubljanica').
Discoveries close to Vrhnika include the oldest known cart wheel in the world, Stone Age wooden arrows, remains of pile-dwellings, and a Roman cargo ship from the first century AD. Vrhnika is located on an ancient route that connected the inner parts of the country with the sea.
Na območju Vrhnike, je bil zaporni system Claustra Alpium Iuliarum, ki ga je rimska vojska v drugi polovici 3. stoletja zgradila za varovanje Italije pred sovražnimi vpadi z vzhoda. Ob cestah in na lažje prehodnih predelih, kjer ni bilo mogoče izkoristiti naravnih danosti terena, so utrdili svojo obrambo z gradnjo zidov, stolpov in trdnjav. Poleg nadzora nad cestami, je linija kontrolirala tudi ladijski promet po Ljubljanici, še posebej pa pristanišče na sami Vrhniki (Nauportus).
The region has had an important strategic military position since antiquity. Nauportus was an important military-civil port in late-antiquity defense strategy of the Roman army. In the Vrhnika area was a defensive wall Claustra Alpium Iuliarum (the first line of fortifications), and it protected Italy and the town of Rome from invasion by eastern tribes. The barrier wall at Vrhnika is with its length of almost 10 km the longest in the Claustra Alpium Iuliarum defensive system. This line mainly controlled the Aquileia-Emona arterial road and all natural accesses into the Basin of Logatec (Longaticum) from the southern edge of the Ljubljansko barje (Ljubljana marsh). Structural remains are still well preserved and represent an exceptional example of the cultural heritage on the Vrhnika Commune territory.
Blatna Brezovica
Ljubljansko barje of present day is a precious and unique green space, dominated by the Ljubljanica river. The Ljubljanica is the longest influent stream in the world.
The marsh (Barje in Slovene) is the most distinctive area of the Ljubljana basin. Within the watershed of the Ljubljanica there is a great wealth of natural and cultural heritage and archeological discoveries from the springs of the Ljubljanica, some of which are of global significance.
Reka Zrnica, med Blatna Brezovica in Bevke. Pod Bevkami, v Ljubljanice, je bil najden mejnik med Akvilejo in Emono.
The brook Zrnica, between Blatna Brezovica and Bevke. Below Bevke, in the Ljubljanica river, was discovered a boundary stone between Aquileia and Emona. The Romans redirected the channel of the Ljubljanica closer to the Podpeč quarry about 2,000 years ago.
V rimskih časih je bilo Ljubljansko barje precej bolj močvirno kot danes. Ljubljanica je bila glavna prometna pot. Po njej so tovorili tudi podpeški kamen, ki so ga uporabljali pri gradnjah v Emoni. Za lažji transport kamna naj bi Rimljani prestavili rečno strugo bližje h kamnolomu. O uporabi plovne poti po Ljubljanici pričajo ostanki dveh velikih rimskih tovornih ladij ter številno čolnarsko orodje in sekire, s katerimi so krčili rastlinje ob bregovih.
Nauportus, lat. navis, portus (pristanišče), je bil postaja na tovorni poti Akvileja-Emona, po kateri je potoval jantar. V rimski dobi odsek ceste med Ljubljansko kotlino in Krasom je bil za rimsko državo izrednega pomena. Nauportus se je razvil v pomembno pristanišče in skladišče z vso takrat potrebno infrastrukturo.
There are many explanations of the origin of the name Vrhnika. The town was also known as Nauportus (Latin; 'river port for trading ships') de superiori Lay-baco (italian) and Oberlaibach, Ober(n)laybach, Ober Laibach (german; 'Upper Ljubljana' or 'Upper Ljubljanica').
Discoveries close to Vrhnika include the oldest known cart wheel in the world, Stone Age wooden arrows, remains of pile-dwellings, and a Roman cargo ship from the first century AD. Vrhnika is located on an ancient route that connected the inner parts of the country with the sea.
Na območju Vrhnike, je bil zaporni system Claustra Alpium Iuliarum, ki ga je rimska vojska v drugi polovici 3. stoletja zgradila za varovanje Italije pred sovražnimi vpadi z vzhoda. Ob cestah in na lažje prehodnih predelih, kjer ni bilo mogoče izkoristiti naravnih danosti terena, so utrdili svojo obrambo z gradnjo zidov, stolpov in trdnjav. Poleg nadzora nad cestami, je linija kontrolirala tudi ladijski promet po Ljubljanici, še posebej pa pristanišče na sami Vrhniki (Nauportus).
The region has had an important strategic military position since antiquity. Nauportus was an important military-civil port in late-antiquity defense strategy of the Roman army. In the Vrhnika area was a defensive wall Claustra Alpium Iuliarum (the first line of fortifications), and it protected Italy and the town of Rome from invasion by eastern tribes. The barrier wall at Vrhnika is with its length of almost 10 km the longest in the Claustra Alpium Iuliarum defensive system. This line mainly controlled the Aquileia-Emona arterial road and all natural accesses into the Basin of Logatec (Longaticum) from the southern edge of the Ljubljansko barje (Ljubljana marsh). Structural remains are still well preserved and represent an exceptional example of the cultural heritage on the Vrhnika Commune territory.
Ljubljansko barje / The Ljubljana Marsh
Blatna Brezovica
Ljubljansko barje of present day is a precious and unique green space, dominated by the Ljubljanica river. The Ljubljanica is the longest influent stream in the world.
The marsh (Barje in Slovene) is the most distinctive area of the Ljubljana basin. Within the watershed of the Ljubljanica there is a great wealth of natural and cultural heritage and archeological discoveries from the springs of the Ljubljanica, some of which are of global significance.
Reka Zrnica, med Blatna Brezovica in Bevke. Pod Bevkami, v Ljubljanice, je bil najden mejnik med Akvilejo in Emono.
The brook Zrnica, between Blatna Brezovica and Bevke. Below Bevke, in the Ljubljanica river, was discovered a boundary stone between Aquileia and Emona. The Romans redirected the channel of the Ljubljanica closer to the Podpeč quarry about 2,000 years ago.
V rimskih časih je bilo Ljubljansko barje precej bolj močvirno kot danes. Ljubljanica je bila glavna prometna pot. Po njej so tovorili tudi podpeški kamen, ki so ga uporabljali pri gradnjah v Emoni. Za lažji transport kamna naj bi Rimljani prestavili rečno strugo bližje h kamnolomu. O uporabi plovne poti po Ljubljanici pričajo ostanki dveh velikih rimskih tovornih ladij ter številno čolnarsko orodje in sekire, s katerimi so krčili rastlinje ob bregovih.
środa, 20 sierpnia 2014
Col - Hrušica (Podkraj) - Kalce pri Logatcu
Vipavska dolina / The Vipava valley
Vipava je kraj izvirov istoimenske reke, ki si z deltastim izvirom utira pot na več kot desetih mestih in potem vijugasto teče po dolini.
Vipava is a place of numerous springs of the river with the same name.
Značilnost in posebnost Vipavske doline je burja, ki na svoj način kroji življenje v deželi.
To je hladen in sunkovit severovzhodni veter, ki se s planot spušča proti dolini s povprečno hitrostjo 80 km/h, pozimi pa v sunkih doseže tudi občutno več kot 180 km/h.
Vipavska dolina leži na prepihu zgodovine, narodov in kultur. Skoznjo potekajo tisočletne poti med Italijo in Podonavjem.
The Vipava valley has a turbulent past and for millennia it has been a passage way between Italy and the Danube region.
V času Rimljanov je od Aquileie (Oglej) proti Panoniji skozi Vipavsko dolino vodila državna cesta, ki je bila najpomembnejša vez mediterana s celinskim svetom. Preden je bila zgrajena Castra, je ob njej stala cestna postaja Fluvio Frigido.
In the time of the Romans, a state road was built from Aquileia towards Pannonia through the Vipava Valley. The road was the most important link between the Mediterranean and the Continent.
Cesti Col - Hrušica
Pri gradu Trilek pri Colu najdeno rimski miljnik, postavljem ob cesti Akvileja - Emona.
A Roman milestone, found by Trilek Castle in Col, placed along the Aquileia - Emona road.
A Roman milestone, found by Trilek Castle in Col, placed along the Aquileia - Emona road.
Na območju Cola, ob rimski cesti, je bilo najdenih več predmetov iz rimskega časa (podkev, del ročnega mlina, kosti, žare, bakreni novci), pri gradu Trillek pa so nad cesto našli 15 rimskih zlatnikov. Pri kopanju temeljev za osnovno šolo in telovadnico so bili izkopani številni predmeti, ki kažejo na to, da je bilo območje Cola pomembna postaja rimske vojske. Čez Hrušico je vodila pomembna rimska cestna povezava med Apeninskim polotokom in Podonavjem. Tu je bila sprva poštna postaja, kasneje pa so na Hrušici zgradili utrdbo, kjer je danes urejen arheološki park Ad Pirum. An important Roman road link between the Apennine Peninsula and the Danubian region used to lead across Hrušica. At first, Hrušica included a postal station, but later witnessed the construction of a fortification which now homes the archaeological park Ad Pirum.
Vojaška trdnjava Ad Pirum
V poznem 3. stoletju so Rimljani okoli poštne postaje zgradili mogočno vojaško trdnjavo in v njej nastanili vojaška posadko. Takrat so namreč dolgo obdobje miru in blaginje zamajali vdori različnih germanskih in barbarskih ljudstev, ki so osvajala in ropala ozemlje imperija. Za obrambo Italije je bil zgrajen več kot 80 km dolg obrambni sistem, znan pod imenom Claustra Alpium Iuliarum, v katerega je bila vključena tudi trdnjava na Hrušici.
Tloris trdnjave je prilagojen zemljišču in je nepravilne ovalne oblike. Trdnjava je obdaja široko obzidje in utrjeno s stolpi. Prečni zid s stolpi je trdnjavo delil na spodnji in zgornji del. V spodnjem delu trdnjave je stalo štabno poslopje z vojaškimi barakami (lesene barake in zidana stavba z ogrevanjem), majhne delavnice, poštna postaja in cisterna. V trdnjavi je lahko hkrati prenočevalo okoli 500 vojakov.
The Ad Pirum fortress
In the late 3rd century A.D. the Romans built a mighty fortress around the Ad Pirum postal station and stationed a garrison in it. This was a time when the long era of peace and prosperity enjoyed by the Empire was beginning to be threatened by the incursions of several Germanic and barbaric tribes who plundered and conquered parts of its territories. To defend the empire, a more than 80 km (50 miles) long system of fortifications known as the Claustra Alpium Iuliarum was constructed, part of which was also the stronghold at Hrušica.
The ground plan of the fortress was adapted to the terrain and of an irregular oval shape. The fortress is surrounded by a high wall and were fortified with turrets. Such towers also provided extra fortification of the transverse wall with its narrow passage, which divided the fortress into an upper and a lower half. The buildings housing the garrison's command and the soldiers' barracks (wooden huts and a stone building with central heating) were located in the lower half of the fortress, along with a number of small workshops, the postal station and a cistern. The fortress could house a garrison of 500 soldiers.
Stolp, je eden izmed devetih stolpov, ki so služili opazovanju in zaščiti poznorimske trdnjave. Ker je bil prvotno štirikotni stolp uničen, so na istem mestu zgradili nov, petkotni stolp.
The tower is one of the nine towers that watched over the area and helped protect the Late Roman fort. As the initial rectangular tower had fallen into ruin, a new pentagonal tower was built in its place.
Ostanki obrambnega zidu
Remnants of the ancient defensive walls
V prvi polovici 15. stoletja je bila v opuščeni trdnjavi, na mestu starejše cerkve iz 12. stoletja, zgrajena gotska cerkev. Posvečena je bila Sv. Jedrti, zavetnici popotnikov.
Medieval church of St. Gertrude
In the early 15th century, a gothic church was built in the abandoned fort in the place of an even older church from the 12th century. It was dedicated to St. Gertrude, the patron saint of travellers.
Rimska poštna postaja
Pred izgradnjo vojaške trdnjave, so Rimljani na tem mestu zgradili pošto in preprežno postajo. Od prvega stoletja je na tem mestu stala poštna postaja, katere ostanki danes niso vidni. V njih so popotniki lahko prenočili, se okrepčali ali zamenjali živali za nadaljnjo pot. Navadno so stale na razdaljah, ki jih je bilo moč prepotovati v enem dnevu.
Roman post station
Prior to the construction of their fortress, the Romans had built a postal station with stables for changing horses. In this location, an ancient Roman post station had stood since the 1st century, though it has since been completely destroyed. Inside, travellers could spend the night, get some food, feed their horses and even change their tired animals for rested ones. This is why they most often stood a day's travel distance apart.
Približno na istem mestu kot danes je že v rimskem času potekala nova glavna prometna povezava. Nadomestila je staro cesto čez Okro (Razdrto) in skrajšala potovanje med Emono (Ljubljano) in Akvilejo (Oglejem) vsaj za en dan. Rimljani so proti koncu 3. stoletja na najvišjem prelazu preko nje zgradili vojaško trdnjavo in tako zaprli prost prehod. Popotnik je trdnjavo prečkal po cesti skozi mogočna dvojna vrata, varovana z visokimi stolpi.
Main roman road through Hrušica
The main traffic route through the region was built to replace the old road through Ocra (Razdrto) and shortened the voyage between Emona (Ljubljana) and Aquileia (Oglej) by at least a day. Towards the end of the 3rd century, the Romans built a fort on the road's highest crossing and closed the way. Travellers then had to pass through a mighty double gate protected by tall towers.
Vhodna vrata s stolpoma
Pogled na mogočna vhodna vrata s stolpoma nekoč in danes.
Trdnjavo je presekala cesta Akvileja - Emona, vhoda pa so na dveh straneh ščitila vrata, obdana s stolpoma, ki sta bila verjetno visoka 10 m.
Entrance gates with twin towers
View of the mighty entrance gates and tower once and today.
The road from Aquileia to Emona cut across the fortress and the entrance portals were protected on both sides by massive doors flanked by approximately 10 metre (33 ft.) high turrets.
Prečni zid, prehod in obzidje trdnjave
Zgornji del trdnjave je bil verjetno neposeljen, morda namenjen paši živine ali občasnemu šotorišču in za taktični umik vojske v primeru zasedbe spodnjega dela. V primeru skrajne nevarnosti pa so vojaki lahko zapustili trdnjavo skozi zasilni izhod, ki je viden še danes na njenem skrajnem severnem robu.
Transverse wall, passage and fortress walls
The upper part of the fortress was probably uninhabited. It may have been intended for pasture or even reserved for the occasional tent, though it most probably served for tactical retreat in case the lower part had been seized. However, if the battle was lost, the garrison could abandon the fortress through a hidden exit at the northernmost point of the fortress.
prehod / passage
Slovenski čebelnjak
Poznorimska trdnjava na Lanišču
Kdor se je v 4. stoletju usmeril iz Ljubljanske Kotline čez Hrušico v Italijo, je moral preiti tri obrambne pasove, promet po pomembni državni cesti med Emono in je bil strogo varovan s stolpi in trdnjavami, kjer so bile nameščene vojaške posadke. Ena takih zapor je bila na Lanišču. Rimska trdnjava je sodila v sklop zapornega sistema Claustra Alpium Iuliarum.
Lanišče - a late roman stronghold
In the 4th century A.D. all who travelled to Italy from the Ljubljana Basin via Hrušica had to pass through three defence perimeters. The traffic along one of the important roads of the Roman Empire, which connected Emona and Aquileia, was heavily guarded by towers and forts where troops were stationed. One such fortification was located in Lanišče. The Roman fort was a part of the walled defence system Claustra Alpium Iuliarum.
The fort served to protect and monitor all comings and goings along the Roman state road and in its surroundings as part of a system of walled defences. A turreted gatehouse - all traffic was funnelled through this gate, which directly controlled the thoroughfare, much as contemporary toll stations or customs posts do now.
Notranjost trdnjave / Inside the fort
V trdnjavi, ki je merila okoli 20 x 20 metrov, je v dvoetažnih lesenih stavbah, prislonjenih na obzidje, prebivala posadka, ki je štela do 50 mož. Prostori za vojake so bili v nadstropju, medtem ki je bilo pritličje namenjeno skladiščem ter konjskim hlevom. Na zahodni strani trdnjave so arheologi odkrili vhod, ob njem pa je bila opazovalna lina, enaka tisti na vzhodni strani trdnjave.
The fort, which measured 20 x 20 metres, housed a 50-man strong garrison. In two-story wooden barracks built up against the wall. The soldiers' quarters were on the first floor, while the ground floor served as a stabling and storage area. On the west side of the fort, archaeologists have discovered an entrance and alongside it an embrasure the same as on the building's east side.
Kalce pri Logatcu
wtorek, 19 sierpnia 2014
Center Ajdovščina, Goriška cesta, fontana "Primorje"
Mesto Ajdovščina, reka Hubelj
Tudi reka Hubelj je, poleg Vipave, odigrala pomembno vlogo v zgodovini. Začetki rimskodobne poselitve segajo v 1. stol. pr. n. št. Z izgradnjo glavne imperialne ceste iz Rima na vzhod za časa cesarja Avgusta postaja v Ajdovščini pridobi na pomenu in v itinerarjih se omenja kot mansio ad Fluvium Frigidum. Konec 3. stoletja so ob tej Mrzli reki (Frigidu), kot so jo poimenovali Rimjani, zgradili utrdba Castra. Hubelj je služil kot naravni obrambni jarek ter varoval utrdbo pred napadalci.
Besides the Vipava River, the Hubelj River also played an important role throughout the history. At the end of the 3rd century, the Romans built the Castra fortification next to this Cold river, as once called by the Romans. Thus, Hubelj served as a natural defence moat, guarding the fort from its numerous invaders.
Izvir Hublja
Ob strmem južnem vznožju Trnovskego gozda, v prepadnih stenah, izvira reka Hubelj, eden najmočnejših pritokov reke Vipave. Izvir Hublja je eden poglavitnih kraških izvirov v Vipavski dolini, pomemben tudi zaradi svoje čistosti in neoporečnosti, saj sodi med najbolj pitne vode v dolini.
The Hubelj Spring
At the southern hillside of Trnovo forest, originates river Hubelj, one of the strongest inflows of the Vipava river. The Hubelj spring is one of the main Karst springs in the Vipava Valley and is known mainly for its clean and pure water, which is one of the most drinkable in the valley.
Pri izviru Hublja
Tehnika pri izviru reki Hubelj
Ajdovščina, rimska utrdba / Roman fortress
Današnje stavbe v središču mesta Ajdovščina so zgrajene na temeljih rimske Castre. Utrjeni vojaški tabor, ki je bil vključen v obrambni system rimskega cesarstva Claustra Alpium Iuliarum, so začeli graditi okoli leta 270. Arheološke najdbe iz rimskega obdobja so shranjene v Muzeju Ajdovščina. Ostanki rimskih term pričajo o družabnem življenju, ki se je odvijalo za močnimi zidovi trdnjave Castra.
Present buildings in the centre of the city Ajdovščina are built on the foundations of the Roman Castra. The construction of the fortified military camp, which represented a part of the defence system of Roman Empire Claustra Alpium Iuliarum, began around 270. The archaeological findings of this period are preserved in the Ajdovščina Museum. The remains of the Roman baths bear witness to a lively social life, once unwinding behind the strong walls of Castra.
Rimski stolp
Obhodna pot ob obzidju / Path around the Fortress
Obzidj stolpa
Rimljani so v Ajdovščini pustili veliko zanimivih pečatov. Vse do danes se je skoraj v celoti ohranilo obzidje utrdbe s štirinajstimi stolpi.
The tower
The Romans left indeed quite a number of interesting stamps of the period in the town of Ajdovščina. The walls of the fort with its fourteen towers have been preserved almost entirely till nowadays.
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